About this event :
At our TEDxBarcelonaSalon events we foster networking, dialog and the discussion among all members of TEDxBarcelona. In order to achieve this we meet once a month and listen to an interesting talk. After watching the talk we discuss about the presented subject. In order to make this event effective we limit the number of attendees.
Our TEDxBarcelonaSalon of september will take place at antigua fábrica Damm en c/Rosselló, 515.
Christopher Ryan: Are we designed to be sexual omnivores?
We will watch the TED talk together. Afterwards, we will discuss about the video among the attendees. We will finish the event with networking and a beer for everyone.
Please register and confirm your attendance for this event with the button “Yes, I’ll attend” on the right side of this page.
In case you have problems with the online registration please contact with us using our online form.
- José Cruset
- Guillem Martínez Aparicio
- Clara Montes
- Nerea Cano Santos
- Kate Staver
- Marta Vidal de la Rubia
- Judit Segura
- Montse Puertas
- Adriana Freitas
- David Teix Molins
- Isabel de Miquel Serra
- Rafa Pardo
- Helena Batlle
- Judit Camargo
- Sara Bz Z
- Enrique Tapia
- Michelle Courtright
- Gaurav kalwani
- Joaquín Paz
- Laura Fern ndez Gim nez
- Adrià Hernández
- Gerardo García
- Laura Nubiola Garcia-Sañudo
- Leticia Prados García
- Anne Dwyer
- Vicente MORIL
- Raúl Vega
- Patricia Mateo
- Steffen Aas
- Joel Graham
- Isabel Sanz Añaños
- Ivan Pérez Laka
- Elsa Prieto Martínez
- José María Martínez Sánchez
- Adam Leverett
- David Berga
- Ricard Martin_1
- Roger Llaveria Ibáñez
- Adri n Lzn
- Citlali Escobar Daza
- Artur Jose Lopes
- Veronica Tor
- Lorenzo Sabatelli
- Lidia Peret Maroto
- Marchessa Bynara
- David Dom nguez
- Joan Barcelona
- Cristina Mathews
- jaime roca
- Raul Toran
- ramon solà
- Djamila Olivier Gonzalez
- mariona sole
- James Charles Russell
- Miguel Benavent de B. Puig
- Sergi Muntés March
- Lu Serrate
- Carol Peña
- Lisa Lisa
- paola barbanti
- Rosa Garcia
- Patricia Oliver
- Esther Fuentes
- Alba López Gancedo
- Rocío Minvielle
- Marko Moritz
- Gloria Bonafonte
- Mikel Belza Guede
- Natalia Tzvetkov
- Adri Nin
- Júlia Lluch Cirera
- Azu Muniz
- Cristina Font
- Clara Comes Marti
- Pep Cura Oliveras
- Sonia López
- Raquel C Marquez
- Francisco Vega Gonzalez
- German Caparroz
- María Teresa Dominguez
- Silvia Garcia
- Angel Honrado
- Claudio Geyken
- Gris Cort s
- sergi rodriguez lopez
- Carol Rius
- Sergio Ruiz
- Júlia López Guimet
- Aldo Fav Alcantara
- Iñaki Vázquez López
- mario magaña
- Dani Rey
- Carlos Gelida Roig
- Chris Reynolds
- Juliana París Rubiano
- Diana Valdospinos
- Eduard S.
- Roger Mulet Lázaro
- marta soriano
- Santi Rubio
- Ana Manjon
- Kadri R
- Andre Faure
- Xavi Bueno Ortin
- Sil Ver
- Bran Garcia
- Sergio Sanchez Ramirez
- Beatriz Cerezo González
- Elisabet Jorba Saumell
- Alessandro Di Renzo
- juan carlos avendaño
- Nick Milton
- Stefano Romanelli
- Ana Balsera Rubio
- mercedes marina fernández
- Tashka Drewnicki
- Alex Peirón
- Laura Cerd Altamirano
- Aaron Cano Santos
- Paulina Stewart Berm dez
- Iliana Ferrer Rodríguez
- Pau Corral
- david de
- marc centellas
- anni karouni
- Christine Hart
- Michel Mourot
- santiago l
- María Pilar Gutiérrez Arroyo
- Enrico Gamalero
- Eduard Rovira Capdevila
- David Penuela
- Magela Muñoz Laviña
- jaime rodriguez
- Alejandra Cardenas Romero
- Oscar Del Estal
- Jordi Ubanell
- Fatima Abanto Pires
- Marc Perez
- Neus Umbert